Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jewel's Puppies One Week

It seems that it was just yesterday but the puppies are one week today. Jewel is being the best Mom. She keeps them clean and well fed. The puppies now have litter names. The theme for the litter is the Four Winds. For those of you that don't know each time a litter is born I pick a theme and then give each pup a litter name to go with the theme. This makes it easier to remember each pup and to file papers for each pup. Have taken so shots of the pups and will give names with the pictures. Pick a favorite and follow that puppy. I hope you enjoy the new pics.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, Ciro . . .we are keeping our paws crossed for this little boy pup. LOVE the photos. How cuddly and sweet. We are in love with Jewel too!
    The Myers Family
